If you are new to my newsletter, I would like to welcome you. If you are wondering why you are receiving this newsletter, you signed up for one of the bundles/giveaways or from my website.
I will try not to spam you, although, I will be sending you links to things that I think will help your business grow. I want to see you succeed. If you do not want to receive emails from me, I will be sad to see you go, but just unsubscribe here or the link at the bottom of this newsletter. You will always be welcome to come back if you decide you really want to hear from me.
Yesterday was kind of a slow day for me. Other than taking care of my newsletter, checking some of my emails, and working a little on my aMember, I didn’t get much else done. I seem to be walking around in a fog. Maybe it is the change in weather down here. We are bouncing from the mid-90s down to the 40s around here. Today, it is supposed to get up to 84 and down to 68 tonight. Not very inducive to getting into the Christmas spirit. I wish we could have some snow around here to make it seem more like Christmas but doesn’t look like that will happen here. It normally only snows once every 20 years. I know we had it recently so don’t expect snow this Christmas…..unless a miracle happens. You never know when miracles will happen.
I am in two of the bundles below. I am happy that I was able to get into 3 bundles this month. These are the first bundles I have ever been in.
I love watching the numbers on my list go up. I am up to 424 people on my list now. I am sorry for the 16 people who felt that they did not want to follow me and unsubscribed. I wish them success in their businesses and hope they will change their minds and come back.
Did you get some of the goodies for your business? There are so many of them this month and most of them are free. Check below to see what you can get for your business.
PLR is such a timesaver for you. You can publish it as is in most cases; but I would suggest that you do make some modifications to it so you won’t be like everyone else out there.
If you are participating or want to participate in any of the bundles/giveaways and need any help getting your stuff done, just contact me and I will do what I can to help you. I have helped others by doing a video on how to do the Birdsend stuff. Hopefully they are able to get their stuff into the giveaway.
Have fun getting some cool goodies. Then use them to grow your shop. Don’t just let them sit around.
There only 9 hours left of the Your Best Year Yet Giveaway. There are some things in there that you might be interested in to boost your shops inventory with a little work to make it your own. I have already gone through this bundle of goodies and have some goodies stored away for my next years products.
Faith is having a giveaway called Faith’s Christmas Printable Giveaway. She is having two different giveaways as a matter of fact. They are Personal Use Printables Gift Bag with 26 gifts & Commercial Use Printables Gift Bag with 35 gifts. This is a total of 60+ gifts for you. Can’t go wrong with that.
The event will run from today until December 19, 2021. You need to make sure to get these gifts by the 19th as the page comes down on the 20th and all gifts will be gone.
Don’t forget to download my 2022 Purple New Years Journal in the Personal Use giveaway and my Undated South Texas Mini Planner in the PLR giveaway.

Faith’s Christmas Printables Giveaway
I just found this giveaway yesterday. The Bible Journaling Advent Calendar has some cool downloads. You need to go back every day as a new window opens up for you to get a new gift. I think they are all for personal use though. You will have until December 31, 2021 to download them as they come down on January 1, 2022.
Bible Journaling Advent Calendar
Rayven of Color Monthly is sponsoring Fresh Start PLR Bundle which will run until the 19th. She has 2 different bundles to choose from:
Her Basic Fresh Start Bundle with 37 commercial use products that you can customize and rebrand as your own for $27. Mine is the last one on the list.

37. Gilded Penguin Creations – 2022 Hummingbird Digital Planner PLR value $27
Her Deluxe PLR Printables Bundle Extravaganza with everything in the Basic Bundle plus the following workshops to be held in 2022 for $47
Both are great fantastic deals. Click on the button below to get my 2022 Hummingbird these fantastic Deals.
From Dec 1-25 get gifts in the 25 Days of Deals. I have picked up some really cool stuff from there already. You can go back and get the previous days deals. I’m not sure but I think you need to get these all by the 25th. So you need to hurry over and get your deals.
Annual Christmas Advent Calendar Event sponsored by Sue Fleckenstein from Createful Journals and Di Heuser from PLR Planners. Each day through December 25, you get a special discount or freebie for one day only. On the 25th of December, you will get a truckload of free gifts from everyone participating in the Calendar. So make sure to come back daily to see what has opened.
Annual Christmas Advent Calendar Event
Check out the deals the Digital Deals Advent Calendar (Melody, Ruthie, Jan, Stephanie, and Helen) are giving you each day December 1-25. You might get a freebie or a discount. Check each day to see. I’m not sure but I think you only have that day to get your discount or freebie. I just went back and checked one I missed and it wouldn’t let me use the coupon code.
I need to go do some pinning for my bundles. Then go and try to get Faith’s aMember course completed. Then I can start on Ruthie and Melody’s aMember course and see if I can find any little nuggets to help me improve my aMember products and affiliate program. Then comes the tedious job of inputting all of my products into the software to create my store.
Have a wonderful day and get some research and creation in there. Let me know what you are creating. Would really love to know. And, don’t forget those affiliate links.

Gilded Penguin Creations
Please note:
You are receiving this email because you requested to be on my list when you received a freebie from my website, a bundle or a giveaway or you purchased something on my website.
This is a commercial email. If you purchase a product through a link in this newsletter, we may be compensated for that purchase as an affiliate of the product. Then again, we also include lots of links to other websites and cool stuff for you, just because we want you to succeed in anything that you do.