Gilded Penguin Creations
Private Label Rights (PLR)/Commercial Use products to help you make money. You can repurpose these and sell in your own stores. Your customers can use them for their personal use.
Personal Use products to help make your life easier by allowing you to shop at home and print at home.
How can we help you?
Need Private Label Rights (PLR)/Commercial Use or Personal Use/Printables? Check out our Commercial Use products in the first section below or Personal Use products in the second section.
These products can be repurposed for your Personal Use store. Get a head start on your product creation using these products as your template. Add pages, remove pages, change the colors, change the fonts, and add new images. The sky is the limit on what you can do to make these templates your own. I would love to see what you create with them. Just tag me in Facebook if you post it or send me an email letting me know what you create so that I can promote it for you.

These products can be printed out on your printer in your own home, sent to a local printer or uploaded to an online printer to print them for you. It is your choice. There are also some products that can be viewed or used on your iPad with an annotation app and stylus (not included).
Here, you have a couple of stores to pick from. This gives you the option to pick the store you want to shop from. If you choose the Payhip shop, you can become an affiliate for that store and get commissions for products that people buy through your link. Just get people to purchase just a few of the products and your product is paid for. But, remember, when you promote these products, let your customers know these are only for personal use and cannot be used for commercial use.


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did you get a lot of PLR in the recent weeks?
If this newsletter is expanding beyond the page and you are having to scroll too much, don’t leave the newsletter, read it online at %webversionlink%. If you are new to my newsletter, I would like to welcome you. If you are wondering why you are receiving this newsletter, you signed up for one of the bundles/giveaways or from my website. I will try not to spam you, although, I will be sending you links to things that I think will help your business grow. I want to see you succeed. If you do not want to receive emails from me, I will…
What do I do with Printables?
Up until about May 2021, all I printed out were documents that I needed to send to someone. I never though twice about it. Then I heard about PRINTABLES. These were all kinds of products that I could print out in my home that I had looked for everywhere else but could not find. Instead of buying a journal from a bookstore or Walmart, I could buy a Printable Journal. This gives me the capability to print out only the pages I want to use. The others will be waiting safely in the document I purchased on my computer in…

Printable Bookmarks
Ever Purchased Printable Bookmarks?
Download printable bookmarks now and print on your home printer
When reading a book, I am always looking for something to bookmark my place when I am finished reading. It is usually a piece of paper I have torn from an envelope or notebook page. How much better it is to have printable bookmarks handy with my favorite image or phrase.
Now, the question is do you want a coloring bookmark or a colorized bookmark. I have shown both versions here.

Get Your Free Powerpoint Recipe Page Creator
ou will find your files for the Recipe Page Creator along with the recipe above for the Baked Cinnamon Apple Crisp. This is a PLR product. Please read the license
This free gift is editable in Powerpoint. As you can see by the image to the right, you can change the title, ingredients, and directions. You can also add a picture for the customer to see what the recipe will look like when completed. You can use this to make recipe pages, recipe cards, or a cookbook. The possibilities are endless. Enjoy creating your recipe pages and creating either the page alone, recipe cards or even cookbooks by combining several recipes together.
You can even make color or grayscale paperback books on KDP with 24 or more recipes. If you want to create hardbound books, you will need quite a few more recipes. Check KDP for the right number of pages for the size that you want.
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