If this newsletter is expanding beyond the page and you are having to scroll too much, don’t leave the newsletter, read it online at %webversionlink%.
If you are new to my newsletter, I would like to welcome you. If you are wondering why you are receiving this newsletter, you signed up for one of the bundles/giveaways or from my website.
I will try not to spam you, although, I will be sending you links to things that I think will help your business grow. I want to see you succeed. If you do not want to receive emails from me, I will be sad to see you go, but just unsubscribe here or the link at the bottom of this newsletter. You will always be welcome to come back if you decide you really want to hear from me.
If you missed any of my newsletters, you can find back issues on my website. It will have all the newsletters in publication order.

Hi, %contact.first_name%,
OK, I have had a complaint that my newsletter is overflowing the page. This is one of the things that I have been watching. I contacted Birdsend and found a solution for this problem. At the very top of this newsletter, you will find a link to read this newsletter online where it will wrap the way it is supposed to. Until Birdsend fixes this problem or I can get a autoresponder that will allow me to get word wrap for my newsletters, this will have to work. You would click %webversionlink% to see the online version. It is really upsetting that this is happening. I hate when I have to scroll through someone’s newsletter and was trying to make sure that this did not happen to my newsletters. I am currently looking at other autoresponders to see what I can find.
I haven’t been feeling too well lately. I think it is because of all the pollen in the air right now and the fact that my blood sugar has been lower than I am used to. I think my doctor will be super excited when she sees my next A1C. I have had more normal blood sugars lately than I have had in ages. I ended up sleeping the early afternoon away. I just woke up a little while ago. I am glad I finally started feeling a little better. I really wanted to get this newsletter out.
I dread next week. Going to be out and about driving family to doctor and radiology appointments Monday through Wednesday. Hopefully my body doesn’t react violently with pain. We shall see. I will work through it, I always do.
We have one bundle ending today and 2 more starting tomorrow. This is not counting the summits that are going on right now. Wow! What a month! And it is only the beginning or rather in the middle of the month.
Oh, my goodness! I just found out that I forgot to have people change over from my sequence letters for my bundles to my newsletter. I had to hurry up and go change that. Not sure if it worked or not. I would hate to think that I would have to go back through over 900 subscribers to find out. LOL I guess I will find out, huh? I was wondering why my newsletter subscribers hadn’t gone up. I will probably lose a few subscribers once it kicks in.
Well, I managed to get other things done ahead of the newsletter. If you haven’t gotten it but were planning to get it, you might want to rush over and get the PLR & Printable Extravaganza bundle below before today if over. It is your last day. Sorry this newsletter is so late getting out. I know, I know. I am not supposed to apologize for life getting in the way of my newsletter. But, that is me. LOL
Talk to all of you when I can.
I would really like to thank those of you who reach out to me. I really would like to hear from you. I really appreciate hearing what you like and even what you don’t like. I want to give you a newsletter that you want to rush and read. Lastly, I hope ya’ll are having a wonderful day out there.

Holiday Jumpstart Bundle being run by Lori Winslow
Submission Form Deadline – June 27, 2022
Product Deadline – June 27, 2022
Dates of Bundle – July 14-19, 2022
Download Deadline – September 15, 2022
Product Type – Your product submission MUST be Holiday Themed (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Yuletide) and come with PLR rights.
Coupon Code – She will send a coupon code after your submission is accepted.
Affiliate Signup Link – Unknown
Summer School Bundle
Submission Form Deadline – July 1, 2022 (ROCK SOLID DATE) being run by Cat Griffin
Product Deadline – July 1, 2022
Dates of Bundle – August 11-19
Download Deadline – Unknown
Product Type – Contributions can be either business focused (i.e. products which will support the target audience in their business) or non business related but that you still feel would be of interest to the target audience (and clearly the target audience needs to also align with your own audience in order to benefit from participating in the giveaway).
Coupon Code – You create if you want to use a coupon code
Affiliate Signup Link – Unknown
Course Creators Giveaway being run by Cat Griffin
Submission Form Deadline – July 15, 2022 (Estimated)
Product Deadline – July 15, 2022 (Estimated)
Dates of Bundle – August 2022 (exact dates unknown)
Download Deadline – Unknown
Product Type – Digital product which will fit the theme of this giveaway and you must have a current audience you believe will benefit from having access to this giveaway. Products submitted should not be available elsewhere for free and should offer value to the giveaway’s audience.
Coupon Code – She will send a coupon code after your submission is accepted.
Affiliate Signup Link – Unknown
Building A Biz Bundle 2022 being run by Cecilie Aslaksen
Submission Form Deadline – July 1, 2022
Product Deadline – July 1, 2022
Dates of Bundle – August 22-28, 2022
Download Deadline – Unknown
Product Type – You don’t have to contribute a new product, but she’d prefer if it hasn’t been in a paid bundle or giveaway during 2021 or 2022.
Coupon Code – Either a coupon will be assigned or you will create the coupon code
Affiliate Signup Link – Unknown
Building a Biz Bundle 2022

Content Creation Collection (CCC) Toolbox Bundle is July 31, 2022
PLR & Printables Bundle Extravaganza is July 7, 2022

OK, everyone, bundles are starting. Make sure that you pick and choose what you want from them. You want to make sure that they are something that you will benefit your business structure. It will also help to limit your emails to emails relevant to your business.
First off, check out the PLR & Printables Bundle Extravaganza being sponsored by Val Selby & Lady Rayven. This bundle is so BIG it’s not just another bundle! Val & Lady Rayven have partnered with the best of the best in the PLR & Printables world to bring you PLR journals, coloring pages, content and more!
Here is a list of all the goodies you’ll get when you purchase the PLR & Printables Bundle Extravaganza:
• Vintage Cherry Blossoms Mini Digital Planner
• Arthritis Journal – PowerPoint Templates
• How to Stand Up for Yourself PLR Pack
• Daily Planner Pages in Tropical and Tropical Muted Themes
• PLR Garden Planner Notebook & Journal
• Paper Dolls Family Coloring Pages
• Mandalas Coloring Pack—This is my contribution!
• Spirit Animals Coloring Pages
• Create Your Own Summertime Road Trippin Planner Journal Kit
• My Camping Planner PLR
• Kawaii Fun Food & Adorable Animals Coloring Pages
• 3 Floral Journals – 51 Customizable Pages
• Bible Study: An Invitation to Prayer
• Zodiac Journal & Planner
• Father’s Day Coloring Pages Pack
• Crazy Hot Air Balloons Coloring Pack PLR
• Hello Summer – Fun Learning Printables
• Digital & Printable Activity Book Bundle
• Spring Positive Affirmations Coloring Journal
• Budget & Finance Planner
• Amazing Affirmations: I Love Me Coloring Pages
• Kids Everyday Journal
• Desserts Activity Pages
• Digital Exercise Planner
• Back to School Planning Printables and Checklists PLR
• Goals Planner
• Party Planner
• PLR Halloween Word Search Puzzle Set 1
• 20 Chibi Sea Creatures
• Power of Purpose Posters, Home Décor, Journals and Card Decks
• Undated Zen-Style Floral Planner Template
• 14 Day Gratitude Journal Canva Template
• Business Planner
• 25 Canva Social Media Templates
• Travel Themed Coloring Pages
• Wheel of Life PLR Planner
• Editable Etsy Seller Planner In Canva
• The Power of Affirmations
• Feminine Yoga Journal
• Pastel Spring Line Art Pack
• KDP Notebook Interior Pages & Covers Template Pack
Trainings & Biz Helpers:
• PD Visual Quickstart
• Get Event Ready Workshop
Almost $1400 worth for only $47! You will be able to download all of your goodies until July 7, 2022.

PLR & Printables Bundle Extravaganza

Boost Your Business Bundle from June 13-23, 2022. This totally free event features 100+ amazing experts who are ready to teach you how to give your unique business the boost it needs so that it’s the thriving, profitable, and rewarding business you strive for. Who doesn’t want that?
My gift to you is in the second row last gift in the image below.
You’re going to learn from some amazing experts like Allison Hardy, Erik Johnson, Sarah Steckler, Jennifer Radke, Lynnis Woods-Mullins, Jackie Lapin, and more.
As mentioned, each gift will be available to you for free, but you can also get 90+ premium BONUSES from our experts and access to live sessions (Ask Me Anything, Co-working, and Networking Happy Hour) by grabbing the Premium All-Access Bundle.
If you have any questions at all about the bundle or the Premium All-Access Bundle, hit reply and let me know. I’d love to chat with you!
Learn more and get your free access to the Boost Your Business Bundle before we kick off on Monday!

Dan of Blogging Concentrated is sponsoring BC Stack 2022 starting June 13-19. This is for only one week. BC Stack will have about 65 full, digital marketing “how-to-products” and master classes. Plus, this year 10 BC Stack buyers will be each awarded a $500 Grant to help grow their business. And, this year’s BC Stack comes with a free 6-Week “How To Academy” to get you help and all your questions answered!!
I have already bought mine at the end of last year’s stack. You will get a lot of value for the $49 this stack costs. If you would like to become an affiliate for this event, you here is the signup.

D’vorah of Share Your Brilliance has released a workshop called Create Calendar Based Products. I haven’t taken this course yet but loved her 90 Day Planner course. In this workshop, you’ll explore a variety of fun to make calendar-based products that you can add to your product line. Calendar-based products are in high demand and people always need them. They are also perfect products for repeat purchases. Handouts and editable calendar-based PLR templates are included. Use coupon code SAVE10 to get $10 off the price of the workshop. This coupon is good until June 30, 2022.
Create Calendar Based Products
If you are not interested in this workshop, you might want to join her Content Creation Club. You will get training and support to help you on your content creation journey! As a Content Creation Club member, each month you get access to a new workshop and companion PLR pack of editable templates. Plus, you also get access to Monthly Training calls during which you’ll learn more ways to create content. You can also get personalized feedback on your projects and product ideas. She schedules them in varying schedules to fit the time zones of her members. You will get access to live session as well as the replays. Get all of this for only $27 a month. Oh, and I can’t forget the bonuses you will receive.

Amy of Dreamy PLR has a PLR activity pack out for you called Kids Activity Pack 2.0. You will get a 60 page activity pack for Children.
Included in this pack are:
Positive Affirmation coloring pages
Dot-square game
Trace the Design
Big mazes
Mini mazes
Word scramble
Summer Coloring page
Draw Their Home
Color the Rainbow
Indoors Scavenger Hunt
Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
Tic Tac Toe
Connect the Dots
Decorate Pages
Learn to Draw
Create Your Own Puzzle
This pack can be separated to create multiple smaller packs, added to other offers to create a new and unique bundle, sold as is or edited to fit any theme. Perfect for road trips, down time, or when kids have to wait for ANYTHING. It is editable in Canva.
Use coupon code ACTIVITY2.0 to get 30% off the price. This coupon good until June 18, 2022.

Check out Jan of Simple happiness’ new Niche Planning Kit. It has over 50 unique pages to help you select and validate the perfect niche and take the first steps in planning products and content. You can edit and brand the 54 decorated and unique pages, or use the blank templates provided to create your own designs and add your own ideas. You can create a fantastic unique opt‐in lead magnet or addition to your store. You will receive PowerPoint and Canva versions in both A4 and US Letter sizes. Use coupon code NICHE for an almost 50% discount which is good until June 21, 2022.

I keep forgetting to tell you about this. Melody of PLR of the Month has reduced the price of the Kitchen Sink Plus membership to $27 per month. If you recently paid for the month of April, cancel now and resign up on May 15 to get the new rate. I love this membership so much. I enjoy working with digital planners and learning more how to repurpose them with the training zoom calls that Melody has. You also get lead magnets and printable versions in her monthly goodies. It is well worth the money. Come join me.

Bitty of Bitty Spires Life has improved and expanded her Club Pin Monthly Subscriptionand moved it to ThriveCart. Is it on your To-Do list to get started with Pinterest? Or are you already active on Pinterest but don’t know how to create the pins or really don’t want to take the time?
BEFORE: Club Pin Members received a new set of 12 Pinterest Pin Canva Templates along with
Customization / Tech Tutorials. Cost = $10.00 per month
NOW – NEW LAUNCH: Each Month – still for $10 per month, Club Pin Members will Receive:
1. One Brand New Printable Product with PLR. This product will be 8-12 unique pages. It will
be seasonally based and provided 2-3 months ahead of the season. For example, the June
PLR product is related to Fall.
2. PLUS – 8 Pinterest Pin Templates – coordinated theme
3. PLUS – 8 Square Product Mockups – sized 2000px by 2000px, and also with coordinated
4. PLUS – Access to the library of Canva Customization and Tech tutorial videos.
Cost = $10.00 per month for the PLR Printable Product + Pin Templates + Square Mockups + Training Library.
No price increase!!!

Sue of Createful Journals just added a new template to her Simple Templates called Travel Hacks and Checklists. Combine this one with her other simple templates or other PLR you have gathering digital dust in your hard drive to create a tremendous product.
Spring Cleaning Hacks & Checklist
Bible Prayer Simple Template
Undated Calendars 2022 Calendar
Daily Appointment Address Book
Password Tracker Tax Time Trackers
Baby Care Kids Chore Chart
RVing Seniors Vehicle Maintenance
Family Camping Golf
Fishing Pet Cat Care
Floral Layouts Floral Border Bleeds
Online Shopping Trackers Personal Finance
Utility Tracker Storage Hacks
Eye Care Foot Care
This is only a partial list. There are so many more on her Simple Templates page. Check it out. The template sets are only $7 each set. Not a bad price. You can mix and match them at your hearts content to create new products.

Get 2022 off to a great start with Digital Affiliate Promotions Planner & Tracker! Compatible with GoodNotes and other apps, you get FULL commercial rights! Use it yourself, give it away to build your list or sell it as your own product. Easy to edit and re-brand! It is a steal at $1.
Digital Affiliate Promotions Planner & Tracker

NEW Check out Mim’s of Quick and Easy Creative Content Make It Monday Series where you will learn to create some wonderful Printable and Digital items. Make it Monday #6 is a digital planner.

Cat Griffin is sponsoring an accountability group called Co-Work, Coffee, Connect. This will be an informal group with the intention of creating accountability, connections and support. She is forming this group because we have a lonely job working online. The initial plan is to start with quick introductions, work for 50 minutes, have a 10 minute chat and then repeat. She will try and cover different time zones and there is no obligation to attend any specific session. I think this is a great idea. I am the type that needs that accountability and the working with others is a great idea. If you are interested in this group, sign up here Co-Work, Coffee, Connect.

NEW Faith has a Youtube channel with quite a few videos to help you learn about the Printables business using Canva. So if you want to learn to do repurposing in Canva, you might check out her Youtube channel.

NEW D’vorah of Share Your Brilliance has a Youtube channel out to help you learn the Printables and KDP business also.

NEW Mey Arroyo has a Youtube channel where she teaches you a little about everything. Check out her playlist of Selling Digital Downloads and How to Make Money Online. She has other videos on there also like Zazzle and KDP. Check them all out.

Do you want to learn to create Stickers for your store? I just found a free course taught by Mim Jenkinson. She has a great free 60 minute masterclass for you to discover the stickers that sell on Etsy without them getting lost in the crowd. Get the details of the Creating Stickers That SELL Webinar

Creating Stickers That SELL Webinar

D’vorah of Share Your Brilliance is sharing a collection and worksheets called If I Could Do Anything. This collection of activity pages is designed to encourage you to dream and plan as if anything is possible.

Angie of The PLR Depot is offering a sample pack of her products with PLR rights for you to use in your business. You will receive a monthly planner, weekly planner, daily planner and a notes page that you can repurpose to add your personal touch. Plus you will receive DFY versions of this sample pack also. You will receive them in PowerPoint and Canva formats. You will also receive JPG, PNG and PDF files of these pages.
You can create a new product, repurpose an existing product, mix-and-match with other PLR, or even use them to create your own on-brand planner packs to sell in your Etsy, Shopify or other online store. You can even use them in a print-on-demand book for KDP, Lulu, Barnes and Noble or any other POD outlet.

Dee of P4PLR is launching her Cherishing the Moments Journal. It comes with 30‐days of mindfulness prompts for you to embrace slow living and being in the present. This planner has 40+ pages and 3 cover designs to help you manage 6 areas of your life with intentional daily productivity. It comes with an editable and customizable PowerPoint Template to sell or giveaway. This is regularly $37 but by using coupon code WELCOMETOPLR you can get the Journal for FREE. You will have a chance of getting a matching planner normally priced at $37 for $14 as an upsell.
Cherishing the Moments Journal

Melanie of Bitty Spires Life is offering you this Set of Six Product Mockups for the Tropical Party Planner which are Fully Customizable Canva Templates through May 15th, 2022 Midnight EST for FREEEEEEEEEEE. This is a set of Six Product Mockup Images can be customized for whatever you want. These are FOR PERSONAL USE!! Can be edited, branded, and used over and over again – but personal use! Use coupon code BDAYMOCKUP to get it free.
FULLY Customizable Canva Templates

I know it is not Fall but you can repurpose it for any season. Check out Melody’s of PLR of the Month Club Fall Fun Digital Planner. I can’t wait to see what you create with this for your store. Let me know and I can feature it for you in my newsletter.

Creative Mama Designs has a page of free commercial use projects for you to repurpose for your store. Her newest one is horses. Oh, I so love horses. She has a goal planner with horses on it.

Free DFY Printable Planner Template with Commercial Use rights. This is editable in Canva, Affinity Publisher or Adobe InDesign.

Get the Paris themed Family Is Love Management Planner from Niche PLR Starter Packs. It has 12 unique planner page designs and is a dated planner starting for April 2022. This planner is designed to help your audience to keep track of their family schedule for the year, month and day. You have PLR rights on this product. This is lettersize. The planner is editable in Powerpoint.

For a limited time only, Becky of PLR Beach is giving away her Safari Blooms Undated Monthly Planner. Included with the planner are:
15 page printable
PowerPoint template
8.5 x 11 size
12 month calendar
Journal page
Commercial use rights!
Safari Blooms Undated Monthly Planner

The Digital Divas are back. Check out this free 2022 Digital Affiliate Promotions Planner & Tracker brought to you by Melody of PLR Club of the Month. Compatible with GoodNotes and other apps. You get FULL commercial rights! Use it yourself, give it away to build your list or sell it as your own product. Easy to edit and re-brand! Once you grab your freebie, you’ll see the latest offer from the Digital Divas (Ruthie, Mel, Stephanie Hansen, Jan Small, and Helen Ross). They’ve put together the 2022 Business Builder Bundle for you that includes another Digital Planner, a Printable Planner, Digital Papers and Stickers for only $29 (about what you’d pay for just the digital planner if you bought everything separately).
2022 Digital Affiliate Promotions Planner & Tracker

Check out the free PLR at this site. They will help you to get more products on your site. Don’t pass up the opportunity to get these journals, planners, calendars and stickers.
Free Journal, Planner, & Calendar PLR

Please know that some free offers are available for only a short duration. They may go away soon. Every care has been taken to check the links to offers. But if the offer expires or the vendor is no longer honoring the coupon, please contact the vendor directly.
Funky Fonts Bundle
Magical Fonts Bundle
Cute Fonts Bundle
Mega Fonts Bundle
Buck & Doe Patterned Paper
Holiday Digital Scrapbook Paper – Not necessarily for Christmas
Sunset Glitter Digital Paper
Marble Paper Textures
You’re A Llama Fun Seamless Paper
Watercolor & Oil Paint Digital Papers
Colorful Glitter Digital Paper
Vintage Gold Marble Digital Paper
Watercolor Backgrounds
Cream & Yellow Pastel Background
Glitter Butterflies Pack
Pretty Butterflies Pack
Rainbow Unicorn Pack
Butterfly Clipart Pack
Hot Air Balloon Clipart Set
Mermaid Graphics
Fancy Shell Elements
Seahorse Graphics Pack
Freebie Mazes
Easter Word Search
Gnome Mom Printable-Digital Stickers
Printable Cash Envelope
Bee Gnome Water-Color Printable Stickers
NEW Adorable Elephant Template with Cover
Check out the free gifts from Creative Fabrica every day. You might be surprised at what may pop up.
If you are into t-shirt designs, you will find quite a few of them in the free section of Creative Fabrica. Remember to change them so that yours will be different. You don’t want yours looking like everyone else’s design. You will also find craft patterns on there if that is your niche.
There are more seamless patterns and graphics available on Creative Fabrica for free. Just search for Father’s Day Freebie, Patriotic, etc. and you will get all of them. If you want something else, just type in the search term with Freebie and you will see what is available for free without a subscription.
I have a subscription to Creative Fabrica and can download as many of the graphics on their site free. I get an idea, I run to Creative Fabrica to see if I can find graphics to make my new creations. It is so great. You might want to get a subscription if you need lots of graphics.

Gilded Penguin Creations
You are receiving this email because you requested to be on my list when you received a freebie from my website, a bundle or a giveaway or you purchased something on my website.
This is a commercial email. If you purchase a product through a link in this newsletter, we may be compensated for that purchase as an affiliate of the product. Then again, we also include lots of links to other websites and cool stuff for you, just because we want you to succeed in anything that you do.
If you would like to become an affiliate for my store, sign up here.