If you are new to my newsletter, I would like to welcome you. If you are wondering why you are receiving this newsletter, you signed up for one of the bundles/giveaways or from my website.
I will try not to spam you, although, I will be sending you links to things that I think will help your business grow. I want to see you succeed. If you do not want to receive emails from me, I will be sad to see you go, but just unsubscribe here or the link at the bottom of this newsletter. You will always be welcome to come back if you decide you really want to hear from me.
If you missed any of my newsletters, you can find back issues on my website. It will have all the newsletters in publication order.

I have a hard time trying to think of what to write to you, %contact.first_name%. I would really love you would send me a message letting me know what you would like to see in my newsletters.
First off, if you purchased the 12 Days of Freebies Bundle sponsored by Becky Beach and didn’t download your goodies, it is now too late. Yesterday was the last day to download everything. That means I will be able to list my Teal Steno-Style Digital Planner in my store. I need to list all the other gifts from the bundles also now that all the downloading is done for all of them. I need to take down my optin pages also. I guess those will be the first 4 products I list on my site. Now all I have to do is figure out how I am going to get my products listed on my webpage. I know how to list them on aMember but haven’t the faintest idea how to get them on my webpage. If you know, please let me know.
Boy, did it warm up around here. We are in the 70-80s during the day and only in the mid 50s at night. Next think you know, it will be cold again. Supposed to get into the 20s a couple of day in the next 10 days. We will really be freezing and needing to keep warm during that weather down here. We aren’t used to cold weather at at all.
I couldn’t sleep last night for some reason and didn’t get to sleep until about 8:30 this morning. I got up in time for the Kitchen Sink Plus Zoom. Melody showed us how to create and export stickers, how to create more covers and graphics, and how to colorize or create new widgets for this month’s digital planner/lead magnet/printable planner. I really loved it. I learned some new stuff. Can’t wait to go in and repurpose the items in our January bundle. See more information about Kitchen Sink Plus in NEW TODAY.
Hope you all have a wonderful day/evening.
***Don’t forget to download your Homepreneur’s Adventure: Part 2 Premium Bundle by February 1, 2022! You can find your download details in your member account at VirtualEventsUnlimited.com
***You will have until March 31, 2022 to download all of your goodies for Affinity Lovers Collection 2022
I just love my Kitchen Sink Plus Membership. For January, we received the usual Digital Planner, Printable Planner, and Lead Magnet, plus 10 Title Banners, 160 Stickers (both on sheets and cropped as individual PNGs), a massively layered PSD Cover Creator file, and 10 covers. After the zoom, I went on Creative Fabrica and looked for some goodies to use in the items. Can’t wait to get my paws on them. LOL Need to finish my website first so that I will be able to upload these. Right now, Melody has a $10 off coupon with the code KSPLUS. If you get it now, you will also get December and January Bundles plus today’s Zoom workshop.
Faith of Faith’s PLR Printables is having a sale on her new training called Customize PLR With Faith – Rayven’s Fresh Start Bundle. She will be customizing the following 5 products from Rayven’s bundle:
• Goal Planner For Kids (PPT) created by me!
• 12-Month Floral Tile Planner created by Janisse Lim from Wondermompreneur.com
• 10-Day Self-Improvement Journal created by Kim from JourneyWithKim.com
• Pink Zen Planner created by Melanie from BittySpireLife.com
• Digital Papers created by Charlotte from PlanYourLife.dk
She will show you:
• Where to find free and affordable commercial use graphics
• How to use the Slide Master in PowerPoint to create beautiful designs for your planners more efficiently.
• How to think out of the box and create multiple variations of planners from just one 12-month calendar template.
• How to convert a printable planner into a digital planner with hyperlinks using Canva
• How to identify elements used in the Canva templates, how to change the color schemes quickly, and modify the elements to create new designs with minimal effort.
FROM NOW UNTIL FEBRUARY 6 use code FRESHSTART to save $20 and get the training for just $17. (Usual $37)
Customize PLR With Faith – Rayven’s Fresh Start Bundle
SALE ENDS AT 11:59PM CST The Sea Life Planner PLR comes with 22 Pages that are 100% Unique made by PLR Niche Shop. The template is in two sizes, 8.5″ x 11″ & 8″ x 10”, Editable PowerPoint Files, PDF File, Font Files, Commercial Use Rights. Save 50% off with Coupon code: SEALIFE
JOIN BEFORE FEB 3 TO GET BOTH JANUARY AND FEBRUARY’S GOODIES What type of products are you putting in your store? If they are printables, you might be interested in the new Monthly Printables Club being sponsored by Jenn of Planning Addicts. This is a monthly subscription of $10. You will receive enough content to produce a full suite of printables every month.
Each first Thursday of the month, you will get a brand new set of templates for journaling
and planning. These may match each other, or may be two separate themes.
DAILY PROMPTS – 31 new journal prompts
JOURNAL PAGES – 5 new journal pages in a combination of lined, blank, dot grid.
CALENDAR- 5 new dated or undated calendar pages.
COVERS- 2 covers that match the Journal template assets
PLANNER PAGES – 7 templates including Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Habit, Budget, Meal
planner, List.
Everything comes with Editable PowerPoint files and printable PDFs. Plus, they come in the most popular sizes of 8.5 x 11 & 6×9 inches.
Get 2022 off to a great start with Digital Affiliate Promotions Planner & Tracker! Compatible with GoodNotes and other apps, you get FULL commercial rights! Use it yourself, give it away to build your list or sell it as your own product. Easy to edit and re-brand! It is a steal at $1.
Digital Affiliate Promotions Planner & Tracker
Dee of Conscious Debt Free Life is offering NEW to her store the Conscious Life Focus Planner & Journal Combo Set PLR. This PLR planner and journal set will help you reach the market with a unique offering. With self-care focus for each week and day, your customers will love using both the planning pages and Self-care Journal prompts pages. Offer this to your customer and gain a competitive advantage in the Self- help planner niche. Add your creativity to these pages without starting from scratch.
Conscious Life Focus Planner & Journal Combo Set PLR
Sign up for this 2 week class. I took it and it is wonderful. She has Zoom calls with you so that she can answer any questions you have as you ask them. This allows her to have you screen share with her so that she can solve your problems. As you finish sections of the class, you will get bonus pages for your website. If you need help getting your WordPress site up and running, this is the class for you. NEXT WORKSHOP STARTS FEBRUARY 25, 2022. Make sure you don’t miss it.
2-Week Website Launch Workshop
Get this course by Ruthie and Melody to help you get aMember on your site. It will help you set up your products and your affiliate program. I have purchased this course and am in the process of setting up my website now.
If you would rather take the aMember course taught by Faith, I have taken this course also. It is very good. She will walk you through how to set up your site, manage your products, manage your affiliate program, and creating upsell/downsell offers. I really did love the last one as I would have never figured out how to do it.
Lori Winslow has a course called Create Digital Papers in Power Point. You will not need Photoshop or graphic skills to create your digital papers. The course consists of 7 videos. When you have completed the course, you will know how to create your own seamless papers to use in your journals, diaries, and planners. You will also get the finished digital paper set created in the course along with PLR rights.
Carmen of Simply Couture Designs has a course called Creative Pattern Paper Training. I took this course and learned a lot from it. You will learn how to make your seamless pattern designs in Affinity Photo. I created the Unicorn Dreams Seamless Paper Set in my Etsy Store while taking her training. If you decide to sell your seamless patterns in your online store, you might consider purchasing Carmen’s Digital Paper Mockup Bundle (not an affiliate link). This will save you a lot of time and frustration creating your shop images.
Becky Beach of PLR Beach has a course called Digital Paper Workshop. This shop like Lori’s teaches you to create your digital papers using PowerPoint. I took this course also. It was a lot of fun. I love taking courses taught by Becky. Even if I have a prior knowledge about something, I glean a golden nugget of knowledge from her courses.
Last but not least, Faith of For Mommies By Mommy has a course called Digital Papers Masterclass. In this course, she teaches you to use Procreate, Canva and PowerPoint in order to create your seamless patterns. After the class, you will be able to create beautiful, unique digital papers.
The Digital Divas are back. Check out this free 2022 Digital Affiliate Promotions Planner & Tracker brought to you by Melody of PLR Club of the Month. Compatible with GoodNotes and other apps. You get FULL commercial rights! Use it yourself, give it away to build your list or sell it as your own product. Easy to edit and re-brand! Once you grab your freebie, you’ll see the latest offer from the Digital Divas (Ruthie, Mel, Stephanie Hansen, Jan Small, and Helen Ross). They’ve put together the 2022 Business Builder Bundle for you that includes another Digital Planner, a Printable Planner, Digital Papers and Stickers for only $29 (about what you’d pay for just the digital planner if you bought everything separately).
2022 Digital Affiliate Promotions Planner & Tracker
Check out the free PLR at this site. They will help you to get more products on your site. Don’t pass up the opportunity to get these journals, planners, calendars and stickers.
Free Journal, Planner, & Calendar PLR
Please know that some free offers are available for only a short duration. They may go away soon. Every care has been taken to check the links to offers. But if the offer expires or the vendor is no longer honoring the coupon, please contact the vendor directly.
22 Fonts Bundle (Must share to unlock)
St Patrick’s Day Fun Prints
Funky Patterns (free through 1 February)
St Patrick’s Day Dubbing Skeleton
St Patrick’s Day Leopard Shamrock
St Patrick’s Day Shamrock Heart
Happy St Patrick’s Day
St Patrick’s Day Lucky Lips
St Patrick’s Day Nurse Love
St Patrick’s Day Shark
St Patrick’s Day Unicorn
St Patrick’s Day Gnome
St Patrick’s Day Picture Book Bingo
St Patrick’s Day Mug Design
Mandalas (Design Bundles-Not sure how long will be there)
There are more seamless patterns and graphics available on Creative Fabrica for free. Just search for St Patrick Freebie and you will get all of them. If you want something else, just type in the search term with Freebie and you will see what is available for free without a subscription.
I have a subscription to Creative Fabrica and can download as many of the graphics on their site free. I get an idea, I run to Creative Fabrica to see if I can find graphics to make my new creations. It is so great. You might want to get a subscription if you need lots of graphics.
What are you working on? Below, you will find some freebies that you can use to create your products. There are seamless patterns for you to use as covers for your products. Remember, always modify the images so that they are different from what someone else might create with the same pattern. Make your cover stand out and let people know you are different.
Mix and match the coloring pages, color by number, dot to dot, and word search to create your own coloring book. Add something to them to make them your own so you won’t be creating the same coloring book as everyone else.
Create a mug or greeting cards to put in your store. You might create these to give to special people in your life. See below in MISCELLANEOUS to find the links to the templates for you.
I want you to keep on working and growing your business. Let me know your accomplishments and what you are working on.
If you need to talk or get some help of some sort, I am here and will help you in any way that I can. If it is something I don’t know yet, I will refer you to someone I know who does have that information. We are all here to help each other to achieve success.
Hope you are having a wonderful, productive day. Get lots of products created or training done.

Gilded Penguin Creations
You are receiving this email because you requested to be on my list when you received a freebie from my website, a bundle or a giveaway or you purchased something on my website.
This is a commercial email. If you purchase a product through a link in this newsletter, we may be compensated for that purchase as an affiliate of the product. Then again, we also include lots of links to other websites and cool stuff for you, just because we want you to succeed in anything that you do.